Background. Many of the world’s spoken and sign languages mark the difference between the two major lexical categories noun and verb …
Background. Many of the world’s spoken and sign languages mark the difference between the two major lexical categories noun and verb …
In this talk we provide an update about our ongoing short-term collaboration supported through ViCom in which we investigate mouthings …
In this talk we provide an update about the work carried out as part of our project since its official start earlier this year. We will …
In der modernen Linguistik herrscht weitestgehend Einigkeit darüber, dass alle Sprachen der Welt zumindest über Kategorien Anlog …
The iconic potential of the visuo-spatial modality allows for a direct mapping between different aspects of meaning and the …
In der modernen Linguistik herrscht weitestgehend Einigkeit darüber, dass alle Sprachen der Welt zumindest …
In this talk we will provide an update about the work carried out as part of our project since its official start earlier this year. We …
In this short impulse talk, I will explore what a collaboratively created ‘DGS-LEX’ could look like and how we could get to the point …
Was sind die Grundlagen der Gebärdensprache im Gehirn? Wie unterscheiden sich Gebärden- und Lautsprache in der Verarbeitung im Gehirn? …
In diesem Vortrag werden wir das von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) im Rahmen des …
Linguistic typology in the past decades has questioned whether parts of speech such as nouns and verbs are universal across different …
The neurophysiological response during processing of sign language (SL) has been studied since the advent of Positron Emission …
Sign languages provide researchers with an opportunity to ask empirical questions about the human language faculty that go beyond …