Recent & Upcoming Talks


Die Studie untersucht die Iconizität in der Deutschen Gebärdensprache (DSG) aus kompositioneller Perspektive, indem sie die …

In this talk we provide an update about our ongoing short-term collaboration supported through ViCom in which we investigate mouthings …

In this talk we provide an update about the work carried out as part of our project since its official start earlier this year. We will …

Iconicity is defined as a perceived resemblance between aspects of a linguistic form and aspects of its associated meaning (Perniss et …

The human capacity for language is rooted in our ability to combine lexical items into hierarchically structured phrases and sentences, …

In der modernen Ling­uistik herrscht weitestgehend Einig­keit darüber, dass alle Spra­chen der Welt zu­min­dest über Kate­gorien Anlog …

The iconic potential of the visuo-spatial modality allows for a direct mapping between different aspects of meaning and the …

In der modernen Ling­uistik herrscht weitestgehend Einig­keit darüber, dass alle Spra­chen der Welt zu­min­dest …


In this talk we will provide an update about the work carried out as part of our project since its official start earlier this year. We …

In this short impulse talk, I will explore what a collaboratively created ‘DGS-LEX’ could look like and how we could get to the point …

Was sind die Grundlagen der Gebärdensprache im Gehirn? Wie unterscheiden sich Gebärden- und Lautsprache in der Verarbeitung im Gehirn? …

The capacity for language is a defining property of our species, yet despite decades of research evidence on its neural basis is still …

Die mensch­liche Sprach­fähigkeit in ihren unter­schiedlichen Facetten kann aus verschiedenen Blick­winkeln und mit …

In diesem Vor­trag werden wir das von der Deutschen Forschungs­gemein­schaft (DFG) im Rahmen des …

One of the major insights of modern linguistics has been that the human capacity for language is not bound to speech but may also be …


Linguistic typology in the past decades has questioned whether parts of speech such as nouns and verbs are universal across different …

The capacity for language serves as a cornerstone of human cognition. In this short introductory talk, we will first jointly explore …

The ability to combine individual lexical items into phrases and sentences is at the core of the human capacity for language …

One of the major insights of modern linguistics has been that the human capacity for language is not bound to speech but may also be …

The human capacity for language is best described as a biologically determined computational mechanism yielding an unbounded array of …

In this short impulse talk, I’ll discuss existing solutions for data organisation, storage, and publication such as the Brain …

In this two-hour workshop, we will jointly ask, explore, and attempt to answer the question “What is language?” To provide …

The ability to combine individual lexical items into phrases and sentences is at the core of the human capacity for language …


Sign language offers a unique perspective on the human faculty of language by illustrating that linguistic abilities are not bound to …

This basic lecture explores the fundamentals of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and neuroimaging meta-analysis. We start …


Sprache ist ein Eckpfeiler menschlicher Kognition. In der Alltagssprache werden die Begriffe „Sprache“, „Sprechen“, und „Kommunikation“ …

The neurophysiological response during comprehension and production of sign language has been studied using functional magnetic …

The neurophysiological response during processing of sign language (SL) has been studied since the advent of Positron Emission …

Sign languages provide researchers with an opportunity to ask empirical questions about the human language faculty that go beyond …

The acquisition of most neuroimaging data and especially magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) data is laborious and cost-intensive. …

The neurophysiological response during comprehension of sign language has been studied using functional magnetic resonance imaging …

The neurophysiological response during comprehension and production of sign language has been studied using functional magnetic …

Eingangs stellen wir uns die Frage „Was ist ‚Sprache‘ denn überhaupt?“, bevor wir uns in aller Kürze mit der Linguistik von …


Isaac Newtons Formulierung des Gravitationsgesetzes “exorcised the machine, leaving the ghost intact”, argumentiert Noam Chomsky. Er …

Im interaktiven Gespräch an unserem Riesengehirnscan begleiten wir gemeinsam ein Wort auf seiner Reise durchs Gehirn.


Synaptic plasticity is widely considered to provide the neurobiological basis of learning and memory. From the perspective of …


The cognitive revolution of the 1950s reinvigorated the idea that the brain is the organ enabling the mind. Hence, the human ability to …