
April 2018 – November 2024
Leipzig, Alemania

Candidato a doctorado

Escuela Internacional de Investigación Max Planck sobre Neurociencia de la Comunicación: Estructura, Función y Plasticidad

Comité consultivo de tesis: Angela D. Friederici, Emiliano Zaccarella, & Nikolaus Weiskopf
January 2018 – March 2023
Leipzig, Alemania

Investigador doctoral

Departamento de Neuropsicología, Instituto Max Planck de Ciencias Cognitivas y Cerebrales Humanas

Supervisora: Angela D. Friederici
June 2017 – July 2017
Santa Barbara, EE.UU.


Instituto de Verano Kavli de Neurociencia Cognitiva

Directores: George R. Mangun, Barry Giesbrecht, Michael Miller, & Mike Gazzaniga
March 2013 – July 2016
Graz, Austria

Estudiante ayudante de investigación y docencia

Unidad de Desarrollo del Lenguaje y Ciencia Cognitiva, Universidad de Graz

Supervisora: Annemarie Peltzer-Karpf

Publicaciones seleccionadas

. Modality-independent core brain network for language as proved by sign language. 2024.

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. Functional neuroanatomy of language without speech: An ALE meta-analysis of sign language. En Human Brain Mapping, 2021.

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. Psycholinguistic norms for more than 300 lexical signs in German Sign Language (DGS). En Behavior Research Methods, 2021.

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Publicaciones recientes

Todas las publicaciones

. Towards a “DGS-LEX”: A roadmap for the collaborative creation of a psycholinguistic database for German Sign Language (DGS). In Linguistische Berichte, 91–100, 2025.

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. Functional and structural brain asymmetries in language processing. En P Corballis & C Papagno (Ed.), Handbook of clinical neurology. Ámsterdam, Los países bajos: Elsevier, 2025.

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. Functional and structural brain asymmetries in sign language processing. En P Corballis & C Papagno (Ed.), Handbook of clinical neurology. Ámsterdam, Los países bajos: Elsevier, 2025.

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. Deaf signers adapt their eye gaze behaviour when comprehending an unknown sign language. 2025.

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. Biolinguistics end-of-year notice 2024. In Biolinguistics, 2024.

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Charlas recientes y futuras

Todas las charlas

Background. Many of the world’s spoken and sign languages mark the difference between the two major lexical categories noun and verb …

Die Studie untersucht die Iconizität in der Deutschen Gebärdensprache (DSG) aus kompositioneller Perspektive, indem sie die …

In this talk we provide an update about our ongoing short-term collaboration supported through ViCom in which we investigate mouthings …

In this talk we provide an update about the work carried out as part of our project since its official start earlier this year. We will …

Iconicity is defined as a perceived resemblance between aspects of a linguistic form and aspects of its associated meaning (Perniss et …
