sign language

Gestural demonstrations as a possible marker of part of speech in German Sign Language (DGS)

The iconic potential of the visuo-spatial modality allows for a direct mapping between different aspects of meaning and the morphophonological form of a signed utterance (Perniss et al., 2010; Schlenker 2018). Yet, in contrast to speech and co-speech …

Detection of Extraneous Visual Signals Does Not Reveal the Syntactic Structure of German Sign Language (DGS)

Sentences are not just mere strings of words or signs but manifest a complex internal structure. Linguistic research has demonstrated that sign languages and spoken languages both exhibit hierarchical constituent structure which determines how …

Nomen-Verb-Paare in der Deutschen Gebärdensprache (DGS)

In der modernen Ling­uistik herrscht weitestgehend Einig­keit darüber, dass alle Spra­chen der Welt zu­min­dest über Kate­gorien Anlog zu Nomen und Verben ver­fügen. In­wiefern diese beiden Kate­gorien in …

Project update: Parts of speech and iconicity in German Sign Language (DGS)

In this talk we will provide an update about the work carried out as part of our project since its official start earlier this year. We will report some preliminary results from our first empirical studies, discuss new collaborations that already …

What could a collaborative “DGS-LEX” look like?

In this short impulse talk, I will explore what a collaboratively created ‘DGS-LEX’ could look like and how we could get to the point of having such a resource for German Sign Language (DGS)---which is currently still missing---publicly available to …

Functional and structural brain asymmetries in sign language processing

The capacity for language constitutes a cornerstone of human cognition and distinguishes our species from other animals. Research in the cognitive sciences has demonstrated that this capacity is not bound to speech but can also be externalized in the …

Sprache und Handlung sind zweierlei

Von der Kindheit bis zum Erwachsenenalter wächst unser aktiver Wortschatz stetig auf etwa 20.000 Wörter, die wir nach bestimmten Regeln zu unendlich vielen sprachlichen Ausdrücken verknüpfen. Da Sätze oberflächlich betrachtet eine Aneinanderreihung …

Wortarten und Ikonizität in der Deutschen Gebärdensprache (DGS)

In diesem Vor­trag werden wir das von der Deutschen Forschungs­gemein­schaft (DFG) im Rahmen des Schwer­punkt­programms „Visu­elle Kommu­nikation“ (ViCom) geförderte Projekt „Wort­arten und Ikonizität in der Deutschen …

Einführung in neurowissenschaftliche Methoden in der Gebärdensprachforschung

Die mensch­liche Sprach­fähigkeit in ihren unter­schiedlichen Facetten kann aus verschiedenen Blick­winkeln und mit einer Viel­zahl von Forschungs­methoden unter­sucht werden. In diesen Vor­trag widmen wir uns der …

Neurobiological basis of sign language

One of the major insights of modern linguistics has been that the human capacity for language is not bound to speech but may also be externalized and perceived in the visuo-spatial modality of sign language. Linguistic analysis has demonstrated that …