
Data collection in multimodal language and communication research: A flexible decision framework

The contemporary study of human language and communication has expanded beyond its traditional focus on spoken and written forms to incorporate gestures, facial expressions, and sign languages. This shift has been accompanied by methodological …

Towards a “DGS-LEX”: A roadmap for the collaborative creation of a psycholinguistic database for German Sign Language (DGS)

Lexical variables such as iconicity or age of acquisition are known to be important sources of variance in psycholinguistic experiments. To control for such variables, researchers working on German Sign Language (DGS) need to use stimuli rated for …

Cleaning up the brickyard: How theory and methodology shape experiments in cognitive neuroscience of language

The capacity for language is a defining property of our species, yet despite decades of research evidence on its neural basis is still mixed and a generalized consensus is difficult to achieve. We suggest that this is partly caused by researchers …

A roadmap for technological innovation in multimodal communication research

Multimodal communication research focuses on how different means of signalling coordinate to communicate effectively. This line of research is traditionally influenced by fields such as cognitive and neuroscience, human-computer interaction, and …

Sprache und Handlung sind zweierlei

Von der Kindheit bis zum Erwachsenenalter wächst unser aktiver Wortschatz stetig auf etwa 20.000 Wörter, die wir nach bestimmten Regeln zu unendlich vielen sprachlichen Ausdrücken verknüpfen. Da Sätze oberflächlich betrachtet eine Aneinanderreihung …

Cleaning up the brickyard: How theory and methodology shape experiments in cognitive neuroscience of language

The capacity for language is a defining property of our species, yet despite decades of research evidence on its neural basis is still mixed and a generalized consensus is difficult to achieve. We suggest that this is partly caused by researchers …

Basics of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and neuroimaging meta-analysis

This basic lecture explores the fundamentals of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and neuroimaging meta-analysis. We start by laying out the basics of (f)MRI, look at the data we can acquire using this method and how we may analyze them, …

Spring school on language, music, and cognition: Organizing events in time

The interdisciplinary spring school “Language, music, and cognition: Organizing events in time” was held from February 26 to March 2, 2018 at the Institute of Musicology of the University of Cologne. Language, speech, and music as events in time were …

Broca’s problem as it stands: Review of Cognitive Neuroscience of Language