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Deaf signers adapt their eye gaze behaviour when comprehending an unknown sign language

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Biolinguistics end-of-year notice 2024

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Modality-independent core brain network for language as proved by sign language

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Towards a “DGS-LEX”: A roadmap for the collaborative creation of a psycholinguistic database for German Sign Language (DGS)


Detection of Extraneous Visual Signals Does Not Reveal the Syntactic Structure of German Sign Language (DGS)

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Biolinguistics end-of-year notice 2023

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Cleaning up the brickyard: How theory and methodology shape experiments in cognitive neuroscience of language

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A roadmap for technological innovation in multimodal communication research

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Sprache und Handlung sind zweierlei

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Biolinguistics end-of-year notice 2022

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Spring school on language, music, and cognition: Organizing events in time