Bildschirmfoto des Workshop-Flyers.

What could a collaborative “DGS-LEX” look like?

Bildschirmfoto des Workshop-Flyers.

What could a collaborative “DGS-LEX” look like?


In this short impulse talk, I will explore what a collaboratively created ‘DGS-LEX’ could look like and how we could get to the point of having such a resource for German Sign Language (DGS)—which is currently still missing—publicly available to the scientific community. The major points I will consider are the possible technical as well as especially the organisational challenges that such a project is likely to face along the way. These will be discussed against the background of a brief consideration of similar projects for other sign languages (e.g., ASL-LEX) but also other research areas (e.g., Wordbank).

Dolmetschhinweis: Ich werde auf Englisch vortragen, aber Simultan­ver­dol­metsch­ung Englisch ⇔ Deutsche Gebärden­sprache (DGS) wird angeboten.

Göttingen, Deutschland